Interlocking Construction Systems™ "Designed to Better Protect Mankind and the Earth."

The ultimate goal of the ICS is to provide self-sufficient Green Homes which will be stronger and last longer than conventionally built homes, while retaining its cost competitiveness in the housing market.

Our current ICS Test/Home features are as follows:

1). Improved structural integrity to provide stronger longer lasting structures to better shelter mankind*.

2). Envelope structural design, creates a natural thermal airflow within the connected floor, wall, and roof cavities to vent any condensation of moisture to the roof ridge cap, to prevent mold and mildew growth and structural wood decay.

3).Utilization of a controlled environment to maximize the efficiency of all wood products and the usage most wood cutoffs. 

4).ICS Panel/Sections are recyclable, since they can be reused in future remodeling and construction projects.

5.) Bamboo flooring (a "Green" renewable resource) was used throughout the entire ICS Model/Test Home.


Proposed future ICS features:

1). ICS Panel/Sections smaller standardize size will allow for a complete submerging in a wood preservative along the manufacturing production line, which will significantly protect the structure from insect infiltration and wood decay*.

2).Envelope structural design will be ultimately utilized by insulating the outer shell of the internal cavity with a high r-value panel insulation, which will provide an unobstructed air flow within the floor, wall and roof cavities.

The directional flow of the air within this cavity will then be able to be controlled to better maximize the energy efficiency of the overall structure, by utilizing the heat/cooling transfer loss into this cavity back into the structure.

3). Water storage pipes will be able to be installed within the insulated cavity of the ICS floor, wall and roof panels to store the rain water that is collected on the surface area of the roof of the structure and filtered into these internal storage pipes. (Note: The amount of rainwater that falls on the surface area of a standard size home per year is enough to provide the annual water needs for that household in most areas of the USA.) The air flow within these cavities will provide the ventilation to remove any additional moisture created from this internal water storage pipes.

4). Photovoltaic and H2O solar panels can be installed into the ICS roof panels to supply the ICS structure with the Electrical Power and Hot water needs, while being more aesthetically acceptable.

5). Self-Composting toilets and gray water recovery will provide the waste water requirements for the ICS structure. 

6).Continual research and application of more renewable (Green) materials and materials with a reduced VOC will be implemented into our future designs.


* Please note: Building a structure that would last twice as long as a conventionally built structure (by preserving and improving the structural integrity) will in the long run be saving the use of all the wood resource to build an entire new structure within its lifespan.